How to lose weight fast at home?

food for fast weight loss

We have all more than once heard that rapid weight loss is detrimental to the body and beauty (the skin can become ugly on thinner areas, and you will think of folk remedies for stretch marks). In addition, the weight lost can return quickly as soon as it has melted.

However, not all of us can safely follow a proper diet week after week, control the pounds lost.

And someone urgently needs to lose weight! For example, before a resort or wedding. . .

How to lose weight fast at home? This is possible, though difficult.

It depends on how much you want to become lighter. If, say, 20 kilograms a month, then it is an impossible task. And if about 5-7 kilograms in a few weeks, then it is not so difficult!

Set yourself realistic goals and we will tell you the main points of such extraordinary weight loss. So then.

Slide rules

  • Food can remain the same, just put on a plate first 2/3 of the usual portion size, and then completely - half. It is better to take a small plate, it will deceive your subconscious, because it will seem that you have a full mug!
  • Forget the word "diet". You don't follow a diet! You just quickly decided to become slim and beautiful and do your best to do it. And diet - this word is scary and psychologically makes you immediately run to the refrigerator and build up fat reserves in case of "crisis".
  • Agree with yourself that you leave pastries and sweets until the most desired event (resort or celebration). But do not deprive yourself of very small pleasures! You can afford candy a day as a reward for being smart all day.
  • Don't be lazy to buy healthy food. To always have kefir, herbs, vegetables, fruits in the refrigerator. You can buy packets of frozen vegetables and cook vegetable stews or stews every day. In the late evening, when you want a snack, pour yourself a huge glass of kefir and enjoy it for a long time.
  • This time you can easily give up fatty and fried! Especially if you hang a photo in a visible place where you are slim and beautiful.
happy girl after rapid weight loss

But if you think that you will only deal with such simple rules, then you are deeply mistaken. Effective weight loss requires sacrifices!

More advice

  • Get rid of the habit of eating in front of the TV and computer. It's about time! Try to feel that you already have enough fun, where else am I going?
  • Physical activities - you can't go without them if you decide to lose weight fast at home, without the involvement of specialists. Do not stare at the nearest gym. Sign up for a pool or dance - where physical activity will give you a lot of fun!
  • Or you can just dance home for half an hour and walk 40 minutes at your own pace. Great load!
  • Try to keep salt consumption to a minimum. By the way, and sugar definitely. You will endure a month, they are doubtful joys, you will understand it in a few days, when the body will be cleansed. Drink structured water for your health at home.
  • Don't forget about the mess. They are great for saturation, but are low in calories. The same goes for vegetable salads with the addition of vegetable oil. Forget about alcohol! A small sacrifice in the name of beauty, right?

In conclusion, we recommend that you keep a diary of your beauty, in which you will motivate yourself by supporting yourself in difficult times. Better yet, keep such a diary in an online weight loss community. Your support is guaranteed!